This weekend has been.... glorious.
Seriously. I'm not even exaggerating.
Indian Summer in Appalachia is beautiful.
Today we stayed in and read while it warmed up, then headed out for a hike behind our house in Wayne National Forest. Mallory is very much into maps, so she always studies trail maps as we head out, her lagging behind, reading, reading.
Our hikes are spent with Mal listening for birds and trying identify each one. Jools carrying a large stick to beat away any thorn bush out of place, and Liam running and jumping off logs.
Me, trying to breathe in the silence, and then listen to my children laughing happily.
Upon returning, we were met with an impromptu get together.
Lots of food was eaten,
games were played
(serious 'Guess Who' marathon was had)
fires made, marshmallows eaten, and candles lit.
Hugs and love everywhere.
Hope your weekend is just as full.