I read a
blog post a few days ago that made me start to really think about a few things. One, the most obvious and relevant to the article, was my relationship with my children and how it was hindered at times by my PHONE. Yes, my PHONE. Sigh.... I don't need to go into details here, but lets just say that I'm permenantly going to be putting my phone down, turning it off, or otherwise ignoring its many beeps whilst spending time with my children. Please, if you have kids (or really even if you don't) read the post. It's hard hitting and kind of makes you think about how we are inherently missing out on our lives and the lives of those we love by being so 'connected', constantly.
That started to make me think in general, about how I spent my time. Screen time and otherwise. Am I doing things in my life that actually mean something to me, even trivial... or am I wasting my time with things that don't actually give me anything?
The dreaded Facebook is one of those things that just suck my time away.... without me even realizing it. And it gives me no creative outlet. I determined a long time ago that as a mother of three young children, and VERY little time on my hands, that what little time I did have, was important to put towards a creative endeavor. Now, I'm not writing any novels currently, or creating masterpieces for a future gallery showing. But, I can jot down a paragraph, and post some photos, of my/our lives unfolding... and hope that it gives a record, allows a slight creative outlet for me, and also helps to give an introspective look into my life that in my busy days I am sometimes missing.
Au revoir Facebook... hello Blogland.....